with everything, i won't let this go
        She watched the little crab a few moments further before rising and moving closer, staring in an obviously curious manner at his eyes. By now in life, he had realized he had strange eyes, so striking and brilliant like flames burning against a snowy background. They changed in the light, from a sharp-lemon yellow hue to the color of orange hellfire, shot with hints of vermilion. And they seemed to fascinate the little girl in the way she kept her own eyes on them, following suit after Jael and introducing herself. Finally, she did comment on what her attention had obviously been stolen by, remarking on his sun-colored eyes. "I don't know how," he said softly, almost disappointed he couldn't give the little puppy something she apparently desired. "I'm just made that way. But yours are pretty too, even if they don't change color," the boy added, waving his tail a few times in good show.
        In some strange way, he almost wanted to protect this little girl and her innocence. Even look out for her as though she was his own sibling-his own flesh and blood. Technically, she was a cousin of sorts to him, as nearly all of Inferni was related, but it wouldn't of mattered to Jael even if she wasn't. Blood didn't mean everything, the same as he didn't feel breed did either. But if he could keep someone from having to endure a life they shouldn't, rather than the carefree existence of a child, then he would feel he had at least done something worthwhile with his own life.

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