they'll break your throne
Omg it's so cute! ^^ 300+

........Cambria watched with curiosity as whoever it was spun around to see who had spoken to them. When she saw the face she knew she had seen that face before and her eyes grew wide. It was him. The mean boy who had been so mean mean mean to her. Her little jaws clenched together as her face took on a somewhat blank yet stressed expression. Why had she had to come see what was going on? She should have just let someone else find him! Cause now he was probably going to be all mean to her again and she'd cry again and she did not want that! He shouted her name and instinctively her head ducked closer to her body. But...that shout had not sounded mean. It sounded almost...excited? But why? He didn't like her, why would he want to see her?

........The older pup picked up something from the ground and took a few steps toward her. As much as she wanted to run away she found her feet were stuck to the ground. It was like her body was frozen and she couldn't move it no matter how bad she wanted it to. Sea colored eyes grew wider as he stretched his neck out to her and then finally her gaze settled back on the thing he had picked up from the ground. It was a...flower. A pretty flower. A kind she had never seen before. But...why was he offering her a flower. This Conor didn't seem at all like the Conor that Cambria had met before and had said she wasn't pretty. Her little mouth opened once but no sound came out and she closed it quickly. A few more silent moments passed before she found her voice. "Whas...whas dat for?" Her mind couldn't wrap itself around what was happening.


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