Seeking fun, seeking trouble
i has permission to be here! :]
        The sun was just beginning to set, sinking low onto the western horizon. Jael was lurking around the mansion, though he'd yet to enter it's walls. Unusually wary for him, because the pale creature wasn't one to fear entering man-made structures. Normally fascinated by the decayed civilization, he chose not to enter this place because it reeked of the coyotes that lived within and claimed it's walls as their own. The boy may of been of Inferni's ranks, but he didn't forget he looked just like what he was (that being, a wolf) and so didn't fancy cornering himself in a small, enclosed room with a vicious, violent creature convinced he did not belong here. And so instead he wandered the rose gardens, smelling the sweet perfume of the flowers as they bloomed in the summer heat.
        The sound of voices reached his ears. Wariness and curiosity intermingled, leaving him to slink just a little bit closer, but remain hidden. Had he been truly a coyote, Jael's light feet and sandy, golden coat would have masked his approach. But it was a hell of a lot harder when his fur was snow-white and the ground was utterly devoid of winter's frosty touch. He moved without a sound, barely breathing and peering through the honeysuckles at the trio of canines and their interaction as it grew steadily more aggressive. Even wolves knew their boarders, and this girl, the apparent intruder, was fairly deep beyond their stake-and-skull-ridden fence.

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