where the river flows - p heath

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... athban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Heath looked to the ground with the other male, but they both came up empty handed. The male made an attempt to not care, putting the bottle out of his mind and trying to not think about the hangover that crept into bones. Golden eyes looked to the other male, figuring that he didn’t really know much about him and fought to even remember his name.

He wasn’t impressed that the white male didn’t give into the booze. He also didn’t think that it was noble of him to stay away from such a vice, who knew maybe he had a different type of vice. Hey, everyone has their thing. Who was Heath to judge. Though the next question that came from the male's mouth made his ear twitch. Thoughts went to his father of course, and then to his brother and sister. He thought of the moment he first saw his face, and how long it had been since seeing his siblings.

Yeah, and he's as much of an asshole as I knew he would be.

table by erin


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