when our mouths are filled with fire

She nodded. What Hemming said made more sense than the various scenarios that had been running through her head. Just one of them. She would use the stone-tipped one this time, and the next time she hunted smaller prey she would use the carved one. More of a student in this situation the female continued to nod as he showed an example of how to throw it. Hemming had a lot of good ideas and was very wise; Aniwaya was lucky to have a wolf like him among their ranks.

She motioned for him to follow as she started off into the brush after practicing the twisting motions that he had demonstrated for a little while. They would have to be in sync to pull this off without getting caught, but she felt good about this hunt. They could do it! Ember got into place, crouched down in the grass beside the younger of the creatures. She looked across the clearing to where Hemming would be, waiting for him to get to his spot as well.


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