i will battle for the sun.
Absolutely. Halo makes necklaces and bracelets mostly from her pet rats when they start eat and kill eachother XP but if Kaena just specify how she wants her necklace, Halo can do it. Basically she would do anything for a tattoo from Kaena. (500+)

This day has brought her a new life at sundown. To have gotten hold of such a certainty, that the old woman was real and even alive. It would keep the younger Lykoi going. After a while it was more than likely that she would realize that not Kaena either was entirely what she had expected the woman to be, but expectations always rose higher than what could be given. The woman was real, her scars were real. It meant something. The ruby eyed girl did not fear the day the full realization of her father’s betrayal manifested itself in her, because she was quickly coming to terms with the fact that he probably was not well. Perhaps it was the curse of the de le Poer that had managed to fill him with its black taint. If that was the case, she hoped he would manage to kill himself rather than be killed by others. It would be better that way. If Vitium ever was to dare to show his cowardly hide at Inferni borders, Halo knew that she and her siblings would probably have the honour to kill those lights in their father’s eyes. She could handle that. She would be what her father had failed to be, what he had wished to be. A loyal servant of Inferni.

The girl had been completely unaware of Kaena’s discomfort when the granddaughter’s soft fingertips had traced some of the old battle scars. The girl was able to see the old hybrid in a different way than most others did. Scars maimed the body, stole beauty forever. Shallow as the dark hybrid was, she had surprised herself when she had told her grandmother that she was pretty. She had sincerely meant it. If anything, her body screamed out that the older hybrid had lived a life worth living. Halo did not doubt that it hat times had been a lonely and miserable life, but the woman had lived long and given birth to a whole new family. Despite the fact that Halo had only known this woman for a small moment, she felt a deep and irresistible adoration for the older woman. It felt like she had come to the border a second time and been met with warm acceptance. The worry did not sting half as deep as it had earlier because of Halo’s strong wolf genes. It seemed that the older Lykoi saw her as worthy enough despite that. It warmed. It helped.

The girl’s scarlet eyes went to the four parallel lines on the woman’s shoulder. Her oversized ears flickered forward to listen to the woman’s words, taking in the tones that were used and the odd lack of a particular accent. The explanation sent a shadow over the young girl’s face. It did not matter how old the scars were. They were there. It had happened. If the girl would have allowed her emotions to run completely freely, she would have boiled and eventually managed to get enough fuel to throw herself into a blind rage. There was nothing to be done about the past, but she could hear Vitium whisper gently in her ear, adding similar stories that would serve as nutrition when she would meet her next wolf. They thought they were gods because they were a majority, but they were so fucking wrong. She could never forgive that kind for everything they had done to the girl’s family. The starving rodents in the cages in her room ached to taste flesh as well, and Halo would soon give them blood, flesh and bones.

There were scars that received the older woman’s focus yet no explanation. Halo did not press on. She understood. However, she felt disappointment rip through her own skin when Kaena announced that some scars had even been given by her own kin. The girl let her mind hit the search button to find the name of her oldest uncle. Kerberos. She had not and would never meet the man. It was a good thing. The girl was experiencing something quite new. Feelings similar to that of a Protector’s perhaps. The need to protect and avenge those who wronged those who had her loyalty. The girl only smiled her delicate smile as the older hybrid finished. What Kaena had shared with her was merely the very tip of the giant iceberg. That was alright though. Those memories belonged to Kaena and only Kaena. Halo wondered if she would ever manage to follow in the infamous woman’s footsteps. God, she would try. ”My father, Vitium-“ the girl started, uncertain if the woman had already guessed her sire’s name. ”He was always full of stories, but when I came to Inferni I found out that he is a liar and a traitor.” The girl’s delicate tones included a fragment of that hurt that had come with that realization.

”I’ve heard so much about my magnificent heritage and Inferni, but I do not know what is real and what’s not.” she finished silently, allowing her voice to die. For a moment the girl stayed silent, but then a thought hit her and filled her with regret. ”I’m Halo.” the bright melody quickly added. Better late than never. Halo Lykoi. Those two names sang nicely together. Once upon a time she had gone under the name Halo Soul, but that was a very long time ago. Colibri's family was not Halo’s family.


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