There's an emptiness inside her
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She didn't know what she could say any more that would make things better. Things were the way that they were for a reason, she felt sure...maybe there was something better for her out there. Something that the Gods were waiting for her to find for herself. This was the life that she had thought she wanted, the life that she still did want. Even if she was alone. Brooklyn would learn more about life in time, just as Naniko had when she had been that age.

"You look just like your grandmother, did you know? You probably won't ever meet them...I barely knew my parents. But I remember her, at least. Kaelyn Trickery is your grandmother's name. A white wolf with eyes the brightest blue color." They had left her too, her parents. Conri had been the one who had taken care of her and made sure that she had enough food. Laruku had helped her out a lot too, with food.

She couldn't even begin to guess that Brooklyn would have been affiliated with any male, but it would not have been too much of a shock to her. She could tell that something was going on between Haven and his coyote friend--she had come to Crimson Dreams many times, and a few of those times the conversation had felt a little uncomfortable to her. It was a social cue, maybe. She looked back to Brooklyn, standing up. Her daughter was nearly as tall as she was now, which did shock her. "Oh, Brooky. I'm sure they still do...they just need to go off and live their own lives. I'm sure they'll come back and see us. We're a family."

"Our lives will change again and again, Brooky. Sometimes it'll be hard and horrible...but some changes can be good. I'm sure some good will come of all of this, even if we have to be alone for a little while. I won't leave you like they did...and you won't leave me either, will you?" She asked, putting her hand on the girl's shoulder.


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