there's nothing stranger than a stranger.
lol. i never went to a dance.. ever. high school or middle school. and i never went to prom either. i went to a concert in nyc that day instead. :] ..and this thread makes me miss zaets.. xD;; (492)
        In Jael's lifetime he'd never known Vitium to have returned to Inferni, and so assumed he never had. Why should a traitor wish to return to the place he was banished from, unless he longed that strongly for his family to the point of not caring if they killed him. When Kaena spoke, she too seemed to search for the right words to say to him. And yet her words almost did make him feel better about his father in some strange way. He would of laughed had he thought about it--it took a loving mother to present her own child in a good light, no matter what he'd done. It was only a truly loving mother that could overlook anything her child had done and still love them, even when logic told her he was wrong. Faintly, a dull ache entered his chest as he thought of his own mother, wondering if she was even still alive. Would she still love him, no matter what he'd done? He wished he knew.
        A pained look crossed Kaena's scarred features before he spoke again, biting his tongue once he'd asked, wondering if this entire topic was something he shouldn't bring up with her. But instead she lowered herself to the ground and motioned for him to do so as well, as though she was going actually talk to him. The pale hybrid moved into a more comfortable position, peering at the ashen woman through the sandy grasses that contrasted so greatly with his snowy coat. She began to speak, telling him how a former leader gave some of their land to a wolf pack. She became leader and along with a wolf joined their forces and together drove the wolves out of their former territory. After some time, one of the banished wolves returned, demanding to know why they had done it. But before they could kill him, Vitium stepped in and protected the wolf. The wolf got away and Vitium was exiled.
        Honestly, Jael didn't know what to think of this story. His father had turned against his own family for the sake of a single wolf, and yet he almost did seem justified. The boy didn't have any prejeduce against wolves, being one himself. But was their attack on the wolf pack honestly right? Obviously, it had been their land first, but it seemed Kidorah had given it to them--they hadn't stolen it or any such thing. The single wolf should have been killed for his own actions, had he trespassed full of anger and aggression, attacking the coyotes of Inferni in revenge. But was Vitium even just a little bit right, overlooking breed for deed and seeing something wrong in the attack on the pack? Jael wasn't sure how to feel now, and he spoke, voice remaining unsure, as though expecting to say something wrong. "Why did you attack.. Aremys?" he asked, the strange pack's name unsteady on his tongue.

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