where our worlds collide

His knife tore into the fur and skin of the rabbit, cutting it away from the body. Many of their kind didn't take such care with their meals, not bothering to get ride of the pelt before they ate. He knew that Cwmfen probably didn't care about skinning them either, but it was just personal taste for him. He didn't like getting bits of fur in his mouth when he ate and since he never changed out of his bipedal form it just worked better. Though at the sight of the blood the spatter that had been on the hallway wall in the hotel flashed through his mind as well as the sickening scent of her lifeblood that had hung in the air. His hands stopped and he clamped his eyes shut, trying to force those memories away.

Thankfully a different scent came to him to distract him. It was still a bit distant, but he recognized it with ease. It was Anu. It had been a long time since he had seen the tawny woman, though he had no doubt that she knew that he had been the one to rescue her daughter. Mati had been very open about giving information about him and her other mother had seen and talked to him, so it was almost impossible that at least some word hadn't reached her. That made him think of Conri Church and how he had failed to track that man down. But he had come to the conclusion that that scum was long gone. No trace of him lingered in these lands anymore.

Soon footsteps came to his ears and he caught sight of her in his periphery. Onus kept up his work of skinning the rabbits, but he did it slow with no sense of haste. "Hello Anu," he replied. "The wound just opened up again. I'm fine." That voice, while still rough, held none of its normal hardness and edge. The man was like a dulled blade. Dulled by all of the recent events. "You don't have to worry about Corvus Vendetta anymore. He's dead." It was clear that the vigilante had been the one to end the life of that creature that no doubt kept the Dreams pack on edge ever since Mati's return.


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