because I have been through hell
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Onus had been so concentrated on fishing that he hadn't heard the approach of the other male. Being so unaware of the approach of another was very unlike the coyote and when he looked up towards the voice that had called after him he mentally kicked himself. While this hybrid certainly didn't look like a threat, a threat could have just as easily snuck up on him just now. And what would Cwmfen do if something happened to him? Dammit Onus, pull it together, he growled at himself. Then his focus turned back to the doggish male. It seemed like a strange question to initiate conversation with. "Alright," the rough monotone responded. What the hell was he supposed to say to that?

Turning he waded back to the shore to place his first catch on the ground. He should have brought some old papers or something to put them in, he certainly didn't want to put them in his coat and have it reek of fish. Oh well, he would just have to make due. Feet carried him back out into the water, a little to the side of the last place he had settled to fish at. The bandages around the arm that had reached into the water to grab the fish were soaked through with water and the red claw marks on that forearm were now easily visible. The man said nothing else to the other canine, his social ineptitude shining out.


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