we think we live forever
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/libri/hakuban.jpg); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

There was no reply back about the boy’s tie to Inferni and its dominating families, but that was quickly forgotten when the youth continued with his mother. It was only natural for a child to inherit some looks from parents, but the secui did absolutely not like the direction this was going. When the Inferni member spoke both Haku’s and his mother’s name, the pure wolf snapped his jaws together with a sharp crack. For a moment he felt a rage building far too quickly inside his chest. How dared she step into his life again? Haku had been positive he had gotten rid of the female once and for all. He had pushed her out of the pack she had made and loved (he did not know that the woman would only have been there temporary nevertheless because of her failing nerves) and made her leave her kin and home behind. No, she was not done with bugging her youngest son. Oh, wait, he was not anymore it seemed if Jael’s words were to be believed. Haku knew it was the truth. The appearance, the scent, everything matched.

The rage suddenly transformed into amusement, and the secui could not hold his laughter back. Poor Colibri Soul. Could it have been a rape? Haku very well knew that Acid, Colibri’s first mate had been a hybrid, but he also knew that she had slowly developed a dislike for coyotes because of the infamous clan along with the de le Poer, because that family line had brought her a lot of misery. Now she had bred with one of them? The thought was hilarious. ”Oh, so she got herself involved with a coyote this time?” the Dahlian wolf asked, suddenly serious but with a touch of mock in his blue eyes. ”Is she here?” he then asked, determined to know as much as she could. After this he could ponder if it would be worth it to fuck Mew up with some well late news about their ivory, fail mother.


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