unperfect day to pretend being nice


          This boy, he appeared to be a feisty one in his own nature, and Asha had a remarkable ability to sense that. She was keen on figuring out somebody by merely five minutes of conversation with them, and prided herself for such. It instantly brought herself back to when she was about his age, and how her spirits and liveliness were even more brighter than they were currently (and Asha usually kept a pretty optimistic, extroverted persona about himself). Proclaiming that this incident purely stemmed on accident, her amber eyes wandered to the messy scene once more, noting the apparatus used in his anger as it hit the ceiling and the hay came tumbling down with the poor bird. Valid reason enough. His explanation seemed quite flustered and frustrated, and even while he wore something along the lines of a grimace, Asha still kept her smile and collection about herself. "I see then. Well, at least this was the only thing to happen to the poor thing. Broken wings could at least heal, thankfully it was nothing of anything worse..." Death or a fatal injury, however, would have been much harder to correct. Fortunately the boy was only partially responsible for the fall of the hay, and since it was only but a mere wound, there was certainly bright hope for the baby barn owl. Thankfully bones healed at the rate that they did.

          Standing up now from her bended knees, the baby barn owl gave another sort of alarming caw in her grasp, in which the poor thing was slightly shaken from both its pain and the sudden presence of these two big creatures that were handling it. Keeping it in her grasp, and letting her fingers gently rub soothingly against its pretty pattern of feathers, the Ayastigi's eyes roamed about the barn in pursuit of some useful tools that the both of them could wield in order to make somewhat of a mini object that could keep the wing straight so that it would heal. Issuing a softly put hmm in her throat, her eyes wandered right back to the flustered boy. "What we need is some small slabs of wood about the length of one of my fingers; maybe even the length of the owl's wing, to keep it on a straight slab so that the wing could heal accordingly without any bends. That, and some string, or rope so that we can fasten the wood on the wing tightly so it'll stay put. Do you think you could try and look around for those things in here?" Asha was no medical genius like the caliber of Dawali or even her sister Aiyanna, but it was common sense enough that it was probably the right thing to do in this case, with the little knowledge she knew for healing bones. "And, we might want to go back out into the harvest garden to see if there's any herbs planted in the grounds, just for supplement sake and internal comfort, you know?" She quipped in, continuously soothing the frightened owl in her grasp. Good job on making yourself actually -sound- like you know what you're doing, even though you really don't. Jaya's voice resonated in her mind, in which she kept a smirk to herself, and lightly shook her head.


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