the writing in the sky

The world still seemed as if it was tiny, restricted to a fragile bubble around the kite. As usual, Hemming found such a place, protected from the hunger and the strife of the outside world, much more pleasant. Make-believe was something he was beginning to find more and more attractive, and the adventure he was having with the alabaster female seemed close to it. Perhaps it was a regression back to childhood, a way of having those experiences in order to make up for the ones he had missed. He was lucky to have found a friend in Anu, who, despite her own age, was willingly pulled back into a carefree world.

He chortled at her comment, and for a moment was speechless. Their eyes met, and after a moment he shrugged and said, "Nah, I'm sure it was running from me. It probably likes you better." The male laughed a bit more, the oddness of what he was saying evident to him but still his last resort when any other words had failed to come. Such strange phrases were starting to become a staple of his conversations.

Though the kite had found its chance for freedom while Anu was holding it, it had been Hemming's poor spinning that let the kite escape in the first place. "And besides, you rescued it; it'd better appreciate you," he added, staring at the kite as it rested in her hands, with a smile on his lips.


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