where our worlds collide

In the back of his mind he knew how odd it must be for her to see him as he was right now. All the times she had seen him he had been as he was in front of anyone. Cold, distant, hard though not necessarily uncaring. But now all of that was gone for the most part. All his walls and armor had been stripped from him. Seeing what had become of the woman he loved had left him as Anu now saw him. Defeated and confused. Afraid of what was to come. As much as he wanted to believe whatever was growing in her belly wouldn't turn out like its sire, there was no way to know. He wanted to think that it would turn out like its mother. That with the proper guidance it would not follow that dark path. But he didn't know and he didn't know how it would change everything once it arrived.

Idly he watched her as she sat. For some reason he found himself somewhat comforted by her company. After all, she had gone through something similar, had she not? Loved a woman that was carrying the product of a rape. Perhaps she would be able to give him the reassurance that he needed. Though of course he could not ask for it directly. As changed as he was, he was still ingrained in his ways of social conduct. Actually asking for something was not something he was able to do without great humility and effort. It was not that he was overly prideful, it was just how he had always been.

"From him, at least." The world was never safe. There was always some maniac or psychopath lurking in the shadows, ready to spread their filth and their evil. Though Corvus had been the greatest foe that Onus had ever faced and there was a great amount of accomplishment in having vanquished it. Still, the victory felt so hollow. "I hope Mati is doing better." He might not ever admit it, but he had grown fond of the girl. Hopefully her ordeal had not left her emotionally crippled. Onus continued to skin his rabbits, careful not to get the blood from his catches on the bandages that encircled his forearms.


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