It's a place I cannot go

The young Aatte was soundly asleep in his bed. He laid on his back, sheets covering his lower half and his arms sprawled out in interesting angles. The hybrid too was dreaming, though his dream was much more pleasant than the one that was playing through his girlfriend's mind. Coppery wings sliced through the sky as his large scaled body soared around the clouds. It was like when he had pretended to be a dragon with Brooklyn, but the dreamworld was so much more vivid. He could almost feel the cool air rushing against his skin. The dragon design on his wrist began to get that burning itch that had been there when it was bleached into his fur.

But suddenly the bright sky and his leathery wings were gone, the illusion shattered by the sound of bumping and falling object outside his door. Haven sat straight up in his bed, his ears twitching at the noises. What was going on? Had someone come into their house and was messing around in the living area? He threw back the covers and opened his door, ready to throttle whatever stranger had dared to trespass, but instead he was met with the sight of Siobhan bumping around.

His head cocked to the side in confusion. What was she doing? She was moving around but her eyes were closed. That was...very strange. Was she alright? "Si? Are you okay?" his voice called to her softly.


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