i will battle for the sun.
mall-caps;">Out of Character
   Hokay, so, for this thread, then, we'll have them talk a little about Inferni history and such, and at some point Kae can be like "I needz a necklace D:" and Halo can be like "I can do that!" and then Kae will offer her a chaos star in return, and we can thread again after this one? :o

mall-caps;">In Character
    She had lost her eye long before Inferni, in a different valley far from here. She'd found one of the alphas of the neighboring packs snooping around in the coyote valley, and they'd battled fiercely. That same wolf who had taken her eye—Kryptic—he had given her that slash on the left side of her face, the largest of her facial scars. Kaena lost her eye, but she won the fight, driving the pack wolf back to his home on the other side of the mountains. They had not given her so much as a glance when she had lurked on their borders, waiting for a scout to approach her. She had been even less accommodating in return, when she served beneath Raptor and Svenlia as the subleader of the Darklands Clan. Zarah had been there with her, but they were merely acquaintences then—it would be almost another year before they met again on the beach after scattering, running like hell from the volcanic fire and lava that had swept their lands.

    The ash-colored hybrid knew Vitium had triplets, and that they had showed up on Inferni's border, but if it weren't for that, she would not have bet that Halo was one of them. Her features were heavily coyote; Kaena honestly would have sooner put her as Samael's offspring than Vitium's, were it not for those de le Poer eyes. The Lykoi nodded, a sour look crossing her face at the mention of her defector son. He had probably told his three children all of his own twisted version of the Lykoi history, painting her as the betrayer for casting him out of Inferni following the mess with that Aremys wolf. Her heart hurt thinking of that day, but there was little regret for her actions. She loved Vitium and would always, but he was a danger to the clan and could not be trusted within its borders, so long as she was Aquila. It was likely Gabriel maintained Vitium's banishment, since he had been witness to his brother's treachery.

   When the youth finished and finally introduced herself, the Tirones' features lit up, and she repeated the name, her voice filled with uncharacteristic adoration. This was her flesh and blood. The hybrid gave her a smile, and shook her russet-splashed head. "Viti betrayed us, yes," she began, reaching out to place her hand-paw over Halo's, squeezing it briefly. "But liar and traitor he was, at least he did not raise you to believe you are a wolf." Halo had known Kaena's name. Halo had known enough to come knocking on Inferni's border with her siblings; Vitium had given her the knowledge enough to seek out her Lykoi family. That was enough. In his way, Viti had taken care to repay the debt he owed Inferni and Kaena.

    The coyote paused, considering. She had perhaps the largest repository of knowledge about Inferni. She had been here since its very beginning, after all, though there were gaping holes in her memory, some half-filled, and others—her most recent excursion—still fresh and shadowy. Part of her longed to write the story down, to put to paper the bloody history that had birthed them. Although the Lykoi had learned to read eventually, she had never known anyone who possessed the skill to write more than a few words or a sentence. "I was a part of Inferni's beginning," she said, her head drifting back to that night on the beach. It had been a crisp, clear October night, and the waves were rocking the beach as hard as they ever had, perhaps aware that something was brewing in the sand just outside of their reach. "I could clear some of the fog," she added, hesitant to disparage Vitium again. She didn't know just how close Halo had been to her father, and how much pain that relationship still caused her.


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