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[html]<style type="text/css">.tctemp b {color:#ef320c; font:9pt Georgia; font-weight:normal; font-style:italic;}</style> ... ntable.png) bottom no-repeat #bfcfca; font:8pt Verdana; color:#678078; line-height:1.4em; padding:2.4em; padding-top:0.0em; padding-bottom:35.5em; text-align:justify;">[/html]
don't worry about it at allll. you caught me right in a little slow patch though, i was totally doing some solid 2-3 day responses for a while Sad. 318 words.

Apparently her gibberish was "German", but as she didn't know much about the language it still didn't mean anything to her, except perhaps that the kid did in fact know how to speak something. And that she sure sounded proud for knowing how to speak funny, and a bit insulted that Tokyo didn't recognize it as real-people speech. It was sort of amusing, actually, how indignant she got. Whatever, she hadn't meant it as much of an insult, and clearly English was better, because that's what everyone she knew and respected spoke. Not to mention the important fact that that was all Tokyo herself communicated in.

So, she was the one that got the bird? Tokyo wasn't sure she bought the story. First of all, hunting was hard. She could barely even catch birds now, and as a puppy she couldn't even catch a mouse. Granted, hunting was one of her few weaknesses... But the child was so small! She said she ran over it. Maybe, just maybe, in these long grasses, such a thing was possible. But if she really had, why hadn't she come stalking up, demanding Tokyo release her possession? Why had she abandoned it in the first place? "That's pretty impressive." The adult commented warmly. "Why'd you leave it here? Someone might have come around and eaten it before you came back."

She supposed they could eat it. But it seemed so anticlimactic, after all their talk about how it was so pretty. Prey didn't deserve being the subject of so much attention, dialogue! It would be weird to just eat it, after this much fuss. Oh, she should introduce herself. Figure out the name of the kid, while she's at it. "I'm Tokyo Chance, what's your name, Little Miss?" She could be awfully good with kids, once she put her mind to it. Problem was, she just almost never found it worth the time.


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