Seeking fun, seeking trouble
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An overview of her situation was looking pretty funny. Two coyote women, who apparently had no sense of happiness in life were ready to sink teeth into her grey hid. Skylar was far from worried. The little grey coyote had gotten into way worse when she was being a pirate. There was always something way worse. Skylar also knew she had a jewled tipped dagger hidden in the back of her large belt ready for use if she needed it. Not that the pirate girl thought she would.

Looking between the two of them she continued to give them a sheepish smile. What more was there to give? She had crossed cause she wanted to, it was simple as that. As Skylar saw it she didn't want to give the game up now. She wanted to have more fun with this. "Oh well ten you say! I thought there was only nine...woops me." She said with no sarcasm in her tone just pure enjoyment. Between the two hellish females she figured she'd have to go about this a new way. Thinking on her feet she hoped a good idea sprouted fast.

It was the scent of a wolf that made her stop thinking. Looking just pasted the where the female had turned to look she saw him just barely. No amount of hidding could block out the wolfs snow ridden coat. An idea came to her mind so fast it almost made her laugh with joy. It was now or never. A wolf in this clan could only mean one thing, he was a lykoi. The coyotes would only take in a wolf with their blood. "Brother! Is it really you!" Skylar shouted adding the same joy ridden tone she had when she had actually found her brother a few weeks ago.

Moving past the females in a rush she went closer to him. "Brother I have been looking for you everywhere! I've finally found you!" She said with complete joy in her voice. Now who was his mother. That was the question she had to answer and quick. Her golden flecked eyes scanned over him, but she let an affectionate grin stay on her face. He was white...Who was white and would mate with a lykoi? She thought about it for a second, all the wolfs with names she knew. None of them were white...only...A big grin fell over her face. "Mother told me to find you!" She said giving him a delicate smirk. Oh she was good.


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