face the face we've mauled
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ooc -

Do we want to wrap this up relatively soon, maybe a few more posts? 422 words.

ic -

It felt amazing to share her secrets with someone, and the fact that the story seemed to keep Catalyst’s attention very well was a very big perk. Princess loved being the center of attention - to have everyone looking at her was the perfect situation, in her eyes. The truth was that she was very afraid of her mother, but she did not actually expect that Tokyo would get violent with her, unless Catalyst actually told someone everything she had just promised not to tell. Princess did trust the little pup with the strange eyes to keep her secret, because after all, a promise was a promise, but there was no harm in reiterating the need to keep it a secret. “I don’t think she’d do anything to me, unless she found out that I told you all of this stuff. I’m her favorite,” she added by way of explanation. Granted, after Tokyo had killed off three of her children it had only left two for her to have a favorite from, but Princess was definitely the favorite. Buttface had been hated incredibly, it seemed, meaning that Princess had the love for the favorite, and extra love that should have gone to the one that wasn’t the favorite.

The pup’s grin and the words that accompanied it received an angry glare from Princess in return. Yes, I think he’s going to be around here somewhere. Not in Dahlia, but maybe near it. And I told you not to laugh!” she barked, deciding that laughing was the same as mocking, which was obviously the same as commenting on his name being weird. Princess knew it was a terrible name, and if it had been anyone but her own brother, she would have openly laughed at the name as well. However, it was her brother, and he did not deserve such a terrible name, nor did he deserve the terrible treatment that went along with the god-awful name. Tokyo had been terrible in naming him as she had, and then treating him like he was no better than - or maybe even worse than - the very dirt and rocks beneath her pretty little paws. Tokyo was an unpleasant woman, Princess knew for a fact. Everyone thought she was so damn amazing, and unfortunately, even Princess found herself holding her mother in complete reverence. It was only when she thought of her brother and their mother’s treatment of him that she found herself thinking clearly about how terrible Tokyo had been, and was still.


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