where our worlds collide
omg so awkward for him XD

He only nodded in response to her words about Mati. He knew them to be true. The demon would not have stopped at robbing her innocence. He would have taken everything from her. Silently the vigilante wondered if Corvus had known that Mati was acquainted with him. If that was why she had become a target. Perhaps he had only attacked her to provoke a response from the coyote. Well, a response he had indeed provoked. Though the Onus that had met Corvus that day was wholly different from the one that had been brought down upon him at the last. That day rage had seared his veins and fury had driven the logic from his mind. He had been a rabid beast, but that rabid beast had vanquished that evil.

Onus could feel her eyes upon him, staring at him. He knew how shocking this must have been for her, seeing him in this way. So exposed. For indeed he felt exposed. Like some naked squalling child exposed to the elements. The claw on his thumb picked at the hare that still lay in his hand, trying to distract him from the unending blue gaze. But then she seemed to regain some of her composure. "Yes she will. Though she was on death's doorstep when I found her." With all the blood loss and abuse that she had been subjected to it was a miracle that she had held out as long as she had. At least the cruel world had not taken everything from her, and in its turn, everything from him.

Her next question shocked him and he could feel a heat flood his face. Never before had he had to say anything to another about the nature of his relationship with the woad female. Not as if he had anyone to share it with in the first place, and no one else would have cared about him enough to ask. Even now as it stared her in the face, Anu could not see it. Could not see what truly was between the two warriors. "There...she..." The man stumbled over his words as he never had before. "I...I have been the only other to lay with her...recently..." His cloaked gaze was intent upon the ground, unable to look anywhere else for what he had just admitted. And what grew inside her could not be his'. After all he was a good deal older than she was, well past his prime. She knew that it was a dark seed that had begun to grow and he did not think to question it. She would know her body better than anyone else.


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