Return of innocence
Naww, I don't think it's too girly. It's definitely more reddish than pink~ 375 words.

Maybe Ares had still spoken too harshly to the kid. When his words first spilled out, the young brown boy's hackles rose and his tail tucked beneath his belly. He looked.. terrified. No, like he'd been hit. The second his mind made that connection, the adolescent felt ashamed. His own dominant, aggressive posture wilted, and he sighed, fixing his yellow eyes on the ground, too embarrassed to look at the kid as he managed to sputter out some words. Why had Ares felt the need to be so mean? It wasn't like the other boy had any choice about what pack he was born into, and he was young enough that it was probable he was a native of his mother's pack.

So his mother left him? Both of them motherless, although the child seemed not pleased b that particular twist of fate. Ares shook his head. "Nah, my mommy doesn't love me. So I left her." He boasted proudly. The puppy spoke a little weird, but it was probably just cause he was so little. It was weird to think that he himself had talked like that - for longer than average, even, because Tokyo never bothered to explain any of the grammatical concepts and Princess wasn't a good teacher, she got frustrated too easily. No, Ares hadn't figured out most of the finer details of the speaking thing until Star taught him.

"But my daddy left me." Ares added helpfully, daring to glance up from the ground once, shyly eying the other boy. "Before I was even born. I dunno if he loves me, I didn't ever meet him even once. I look like him, though." Proudly spoken, again. He had defensively wrestled the mark of shame that had made his mother hate him so much into something to be proud of. It was the only way he could justify hating her for her actions - if it really was a bad thing to look like Raphael, then she must have been right. And she couldn't have been right nothing that she had done could have been right, so it must be an amazing thing to look like his father. Ares' black and white mottled fur must be beautiful, amazing. It had to be.

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