I feel like everything I sow is being swept away

.... The waves calmed her, and that was the one thing she could count on. The area of whisper beach they had taken over was empty, as it normally was, as most the pack made their homes on the west side of the pack lands. Perhaps also they sensed that she needed space, for none of the de Sadira puppies had even attempted to follow her out that morning, and Slay only sent her off with an affectionate lick. Cercelee couldn’t even remember the trek to the beach, so mesmerized by the water as she was, she only knew that when she heard a strange call, a call meant for her, it felt as if she was waking from a dream. Why was she on a beach? Navy eyes blinked as she looked about, and slowly, with purpose, she rose and turned towards the sound of the call, ready to make her way to the most southern part of her pack.

.... The movement of her body, using all four legs in her lupus form she covered ground quickly, seemed to awake her mind and she could remember what was bothering her so before she had sat down on the sandy shoreline. Two of her pack members maimed, one killed, and two missing. Cwmfen and Catharsis were both absent and had been for days, though she knew where the de Sadira pup had gone she worried endlessly. Cwmfen, in a manner so unlike her, had disappeared into thin air. With the recent attacks on her own mate and Ril’o’s death Cercelee dared not to think of what had become of her Adonis.

.... The worries and thoughts had kept her so preoccupied that it seemed in no time at all she was before the stranger, a coyote making use of his two legged form. And he wore clothing as well. Yet he did not smell of Inferni, and Cercelee wouldn’t have worried if he did but sometimes she felt she was only waiting for the day when the clan came to her doorstep demanding deliverance of Haku. Curiously the white lady peered up at him, very coolly and confidently she spoke, but it was friendly and civil. "I hope I have not kept you waiting long? May I help you? My name is Cercelee." Cercelee, perhaps he knew that name already, but ever polite she offered it to him.


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