Underneath the skin

Why? It was a very silly question and also valid both at once. Cercelee laughed her pretty musical laugh, warm and soft, her eyes shining down on Conor. His life was rough, and surely he was suffering for it, but he was still a child with childlike innocence and Cercelee found great hope for the boy in that. “Because you are Conor and I am Cercelee.” It was a clear, precise answer and one that made perfect sense to her. One day he would understand that sentiment, but maybe for now he needed more. And Cercelee would do her best to give the boy what he needed. “You are my cousin, very precious to my friend Alexey and nephew of Mew. Son of my Lillium, brother to Emwe. Does that not make it so I can love you?” Still, family relations had never been Cercelee’s strong point and perhaps the child shared this sentiment.

“You are the first of the Dahlian children, which means you are the very future I am working towards, always.” And maybe that concept was too complex for him, or perhaps not, but sometimes it was too complex for Cercelee. How did she know what the future held and if it was even worth struggling for? “You are quiet and thoughtful, like your sister and my best friend Coli, who I love very much. You are smart and have already lived through so much, so you must have a strong spirit. Really, Conor, I see that there is very little not to love you for.” Was that a good enough reason? Was there any a reason good enough to give another as to why they were loved? Cercelee could only hope so.


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