let me live

Mati nodded at the little girls question, Of course, your daddy loves you. And Kansas did, unlike her own father. But she never really felt the need for one. She had other males around her that looked after her, each in their own way. She liked that Cambria would be raised by a mother and father, the balance was perfect, natural.

The creature only stared, as if he wasn’t moved by either of the much larger wolves. Mati looked down at him, finding him fascinating and inspiring. The little one’s voice piped up beside her, the hesitation and caution in her body making Mati smile. Was she afraid to breathe on the foreign beast? Yeah, kind of like a porcupine. Smaller, friendlier it seems. Mati didn’t have much to say about them, not knowing anything at all. She wondered if she could look the species up in one of her books.

Purple eyes looked back to the puppy, Well, we should probably look for her. Mati bravely reached out to the little beast, waiting for it to scamper off. When it didn’t, Mati became worried that it was ill. Carefully she held it, low to the ground so her companion could see it. The spikes tickled but didn’t hurt. See, he’s friendly. We should look for his mom. Or for a den, a little hole in the ground. The young woman looked around her feet, wondering if his mother was indeed looking for him.


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