it's a dangerous ride
A wicked smile appeared on Firefly's face when she caught sight of the Constable moving towards her. She hadn't expected to find Svara but Svara would do just fine for what she had planned. Truthfully anyone who could run and snap and snarl would have done well but she hadn't seen her young friend in a while and it just figured that they were do for some quality time spent together anyways. She lifted her nose to the air at the remark her leader had made as she gave a loud sound of disagreement, "Hrmf.." she said as she let her eyes trail over to her friend as though she'd just given her a put down. "And I was all for letting you come along with me.. but if you're gonna act like thattt.." she teased, knowing that her friend's jest was made in good standards.

She flashed Svara a smile as she tilted her head back from the way she'd come. "Com'mon.. I got something I wanna show you.." She didn't know if Svara had ever even heard of horses, Firefly knew that Haven had aquired one, how she hadn't asked yet, but she knew that soon enough the pack would have many, though if they would be as useful as Haven's she was unsure. It would be a lot of time and training used to teach the creatures who was the master and the signals and wants they would need to know.. but she believed that sooner than later it could be done.

Firefly paused a second, waiting to see if Svara would join her, knowing that this would atleast be an adventure..

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