Devil's playground

secretly falling apart

Empusa was content with following along behind Jesile; he seemed to know where he was going. She didn't really care where they went, as long as she got to go with him; they got along pretty well, and she didn't mind hanging out with him. Especially if he was going to be the leader...Empusa knew certain parts of the city very well, like the subway system, (she'd been born there), but this part was completely foreign.

She looked around a bit in one of the houses as Jesile went upstairs, padding up the stairs when he called for her to come and look. She heard a crashing sound, then nothing...and when she got to the top of the stairs, Jesile was nowhere to be seen! The red eyed youth noted the hole in the floor and approached it, looking inside....and then she fell as well, as the weak floor gave way once more, landing her next to the other coyote, unmoving, covered in dust and debris.


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