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ooc: This is set before the party, right? Smile

It had been a long and content day of wandering. He had spent the last week traipsing around the unclaimed territories, searching for treasures and tools and unfamiliar faces. He had stumbled across the majestic and poisonous Kaena Lykoi, and her scars and stories delighted him. Still on that high, he had hiked up to the borders of Inferni, viewing the wicked skulls upon pikes that sprang up from the edges of their land. A forbidden land of mystery... The sun had been on its way down, then, and he had a long walk back to his kingdom. The dog snacked on the contents of a bird's nest he had confiscated, the unfortunate robin hatchlings becoming a quick and crunchy meal. Satiated such, the tireless man strolled through hill and vale, marveling at the vast openness of this northern land until his long legs brought him back to the sandy shores of his new home.

Night had fallen completely as he edged into the heart of his kingdom, the familiar scents flooding his olfactory senses. He paused to add to the scent border - he hadn't emptied his bladder all day, so it was about time - and then ambled along the cliff walls, cooling sands shifting beneath his footpaws. He wasn't ready for sleep, but without having seen anyone this whole time, there was nothing to do. How boring. The excitement of his exploration withered as he was faced with a familiar conundrum - what to do now. "Ruri!" he exclaimed abruptly, slapping his hand against his thigh. He would go talk to Ruri, even if she had already laid down to bed. It was her duty to keep him entertained, regardless of the hour. Energy revitalized him, and the tall Optime bounded across the wide beach, moonlight glowing silver atop his dark mane.

He could tell something was wrong as soon as he approached the house - he could see the pale outline of his Ruri, pacing back and forth as a haunting ghost. Was she simply worried about him, being out late? It would not be the first time, but she seemed more distressed than usual, tail tucked low even as an Optime. "Ahoy, Ruri ma petite, I have returned," he called loudly without breaking stride. She wasn't hurt, was she? And no one had abandoned her, so what seemed to be the problem? His dark eyes were concerned as he drew up onto the porch beside her, fingers absent-mindedly brushing her hair to let her know where he was.


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