We lay and wait
Pendzez shifted into his lupus form to help with the demonstration. It seemed more easier doing that. With both bfeet on the ground, he began to move. "Take slow steps. The slower, the quieter you are." He explained as he began showing her the stalking part. It was more better in tall grass, It would be more better to hide in. He began to walk slowly, his paws not making much as normal. "Some animals can hear the slightest sound, so becareful."

Pendzez should explain the different kinds of prey there would. "During each hunt, there might a variety of prey worth hunting. If it's something big, like and elk, it's best to go for the one that is more likely to fall behind, like one that has an injured leg. That one is more likely to fall behind. However, you can't just go for it. That's when you have to work with the pack mates. That's when circling comes in. One or two of the pack mates will circle around the herd and surprise them, that's when the elk start running. The injured one will fall behind, that's when couple more will block it's path. When it's surrounded, that's when we take it down," he explained.

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