fallen in trance


          With Ember noting the nickname she referred Dawali as, sometimes that term slipped out absently from her maw without Asha even realizing it (and of course having others slightly confused by it), just because it was one of those endearing nicknames that stuck with one since puppyhood toward their parents. "Oh! Agidoda, yes. It's a similar meaning to father. Sorry, that word slips out a lot from me. My younger sister and myself have been calling Dawali that since we first learned how to speak. It was actually my youngest sister's first word! Dawali has a nickname he calls us too, Ayule, which is similar to daughter as well." There was a light shrug and a nod. It was a funny, special thing they had between the three of them (Dawali, Asha, and Aiyanna).

          Listening as Ember explained how her sister was actually the one who leads Crimson Dreams, her eyes and eyebrows widened and quirked in interest at this. "Oh yeah? Huh. I think i've heard about Crimson Dreams when we first came here, but never been to the lands, obviously. What's it like?" It was surely assumed that Ember visited Naniko every now and then, right? Transitioning topics to their horses, Bayard seemed to be pretty good natured ever since Ember came upon him, and usually that was a very good thing, seeing that good and tame equines were hard to come by in the wild. However, her red ears pricked forward, her head inclining to the side in question as Ember mentioned about actually speaking to Aidan and holding some sort of conversation with him? How cool was that?! "You could speak to other animals? Whoah, that's... really amazing to know. Not to mention pretty damn cool! How'd you learn to do that?" Asha said with an astounded look. "Can you really speak to him for me? Oh man, i'd kill to know what goes on in his head sometimes!" Because Aidan was a deviant little horse that had a mind of his own, no wonder why his name was given to him, for he indeed was a "little fiery".

          Hearing that Ember was an Ayastigi, Asha just notified Dawali that that was the same path she wanted to take too! Asha was even more thrilled to be in the company with a like minded tribe member. Also knowing that her sword was the only weapon and she was currently working on techniques, the Amara almost hopped up and down on her feet in excitement! "No way! I'm training as an Ayastigi too! I just chose it when I came back from my journey, actually. All I have now for weapons are crafted wooden spears i've been working on from the forests.". In which they weren't that bad of weapons to start, but she could definitely upgrade to better things. "Oh wow, i'd love to get familiar with more weapons. My sticks are alright, but I can definitely use better all the time." She noted, her smile almost painfully stretching across her maw, glad to have strolled into Ember on this day. Seems like they already had a big trait in common!


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