runaway on a leash

indent "Yeah, I like to go an’ explore by myself. My brother comes with me sumtimes, but not today. I came by myself." He looked around at the area around him, hoping to find that no adults had wandered into the vicinity. Even though Phoenix had given Icarus to be here, the boy still wanted to feel a sense of adventure. By avoiding the adults, he created a sense of tension and adrenaline fueling excitement. "Say Beppe, d’you know somewhere we can go an’ play?"

indent The pup took a few steps further in the snow, watching them as they sunk deep enough to where to snow reached a quarter way up his legs. His paws were a little frigid, but the excitement of being with someone new, in an entirely new place, replaced any thoughts about the weather. "I ‘aven’t been to Clouded Tears before."


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