light the match
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He only gave a court nod as she first spoke. Yes, but it would not be hard to find a new prey. The Lilium still wondered what had happened to the small fox cub that had been one of his rare special victims. Haku had slowly found ways that helped him gain more control over his own actions, and had dived into the act eagerly. Pain and despair soothed his wild heart, for some odd reason. The man was well aware of what he was doing would be portrayed as wrong by the rest of the world. Frankly, he did not want to care, but his position demanded him to care, because it could so easily screw up everything. He knew it was Conor that had released the small animal, but he knew not what had become of it afterwards. Idiot kid probably kept the half dead thing as a pet.

”No, you did not distract me.” the brown male lied smoothly, allowing the corners of his lips to curl slightly upwards to hint a smile. He knew her name, but stayed silent as she introduced herself. ”I am Haku Soul.” he replied, keeping his gaze on her. She had an appealing appearance, and eyes slightly lighter and a bit less intense than his own. The good, bright summer sky’s colour. The man slightly cocked his head as he took in the sight of her, wondering how it would feel like to touch. ”You have beautiful eyes, you know.” the male suddenly said, letting his intense gaze find her eyes, wondering what kind of creature she was hiding behind those brilliantly blue pools.

It had been too long since last time he had showed proper interest in his pack and its individuals. He was far behind on his job, but that did not necessarily mean that he would have to suffer while doing so.


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