The Night Starts Here


She sat on the ground, her legs out stretched before her and arms held back with palms against the soft grass in support of her angled back. Eyes looked upward at the stars, and she realized that she had missed them while hiding from the darkness of night. Well, welcome to Crimson Dreams. She spoke with a small smile. The girl was glad that he had chosen these lands for him home. Though young, just as she was, Mati was sure that he would fit in and find his job and place among them. Her mind bubbled with questions, why he had come here, and why he was alone. It was still hard for her to imagine being on her own, but when she thought of her once troubled brother she could believe that there could be reason for him to be searching for a new home solitarily.

She looked to his face, eyes bright as he introduced himself. Not meaning to seem facetious, she questioned him with a grin. Your mother must have great expectations, giving you that name. For in her eyes, all names were given by their bearer. The god of war, she didn’t want to tell him that he didn’t look too war like. But then again, she shouldn't judge a book by its cover. She looked more ragged, with scarred arms and stocky build then the male.


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