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Catalyst’s mother had not been a stable number of Bleeding Souls’ population, as far as he knew. Or, perhaps she just had kept a low profile for most of her life. He did not know. Keeping up with the family gossip had never been an interest of his, nor would it ever be. He was slowly increasing the distance between himself and everything else. He was building a magnificent bridge, and once he had crossed it stood alone on the other side, he would stand and watch it burn. One day he would crumble before the taint that he always carried with him. He wondered if this little girl would be here to see it happen. He wondered if he one day would snap her neck and leave her limb body in the pool of the blood of all those he was to drag down to hell. He slowly closed his eyes, resuming his utterly relaxed pose that he had held before the child had interrupted him in his solitude.

It was odd that she did not know of Ceres Sadira. To think that she had heard the name before.. was odd. Perhaps it could be an idea to tell her a bit about the ivory great-grandmother of hers. Haku was not good with kids at all, did not know how to communicate with them. He seemed unable to understand the small wolves. Then suddenly a strange question popped out from the child, and the man opened his eyes again, though deciding it would be best to keep the intense gaze away from her fragile form. ”Bad things happen all the time.” he replied after a small moment of silence. ”You just don’t always see it,-.” he let his voice slowly die, wondering if she would be able to understand. Would she have cried out in fear if she knew what the adult had done to other canines?

”Did you see Ril’o die?” the male asked, seeking to draw out an understanding of how her mind coped with what she had experienced.


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