Underneath the skin
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          He did not understand why she laughed, and he did not understand her words. He knew his own name and he knew hers, but what did that have to do about it. Perhaps because both started with the same sound? She said more, but he did not know. Having ties did not mean that there was mandatory love involved. Conor’s mother had abandoned him and his father tormented him. Was that love? Cercelee was never there. He believed this was the first time he had met her all alone without other people present, so it was not an easy task to willingly accept her words and believe her when she said that she loved him. Though, he wanted to believe this. She said that she loved him. Could it be true then despite all the lies he had been served in the past?

          He did not understand what she meant by Dahlian children either, but he did notice an error in her speech. Conor had no sister. There was only one Conor and one Emwe, and they were brothers. That was it, basically. He was about to correct her about the sister thing, but then the adult said that he was smart and strong. The compliments from the pretty woman made his light cheeks blush slightly. It was a pretty thing to say and she had not needed to say that. The boy was not used to people calling him strong. He was still the runt, but he was slowly catching up with Emwe. He did not know much about being smart. He was a thinker, but he did not know what one needed to be to be called smart. It was so weird that she wanted him to believe this. He could not completely trust her words, but the boy felt that her words were good to hear.

          A small smile was given to the woman, but he had to look down at the grass for a little while because he found it hard to look at someone while blushing. "Cercelee thinks that I is smart?" She was smart too. She also had pretty eyes. "You are has pretty eyes and smart, like verry pretty smart."


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