the song was wordless


As the sun warmed his face, Hemming couldn't help but drift off into a light sleep. Dagrun's cheery chirping turned into a lullaby, and the wolf's thoughts floated away completely. He barely even noticed when the bird's tune turned into an excited, "Look! Who's! This!? Hi! Hemming?" He heard another voice, then, one he recognized but couldn't quite place in his half-sleep. She spoke again, saying his name this time, and he popped one amber eye open to look. The sudden vision of light woke him up almost completely, and a gentle smile crossed his face. "Hi Catherine," he replied dozily. "That's Dagrun," he continued, lifting an arm to wave it in her general direction. "Dag, that's Catherine." His eye moved between them, Dagrun circling in the air to keep aloft now, before it closed gently.


Sleep had him clenched tightly in its soft grasp, but finally the wolf brought himself to open both his eyes and sat up, cross-legged, across from Catherine. The little bird quickly flitted back to him, landing gently between his ears and wiggling her tail feathers a bit. Her beady eyes met that of the snake, and she shook herself a bit more. "Snake! Aah, snake! Don't eat me! Hemming!" she chirped again, apparently feeling safe on top of his head because she seemed to be at least half joking about being eaten. She flexed her tail feathers again, eyes darting from the snake to the female that Hemming had just introduced her to. Dagrun hadn't met another spirit animal before, at least while she was with Hemming, and it was surely an interesting thing for her. Remembering the first time he had met Saw, the male wolf couldn't help but be a little amused at his how his stoic silence contrasted with her cheerful chirpiness.


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