
Word Count: 416


It seemed as if everything that ran through the female's head was old news lately. Her mind swerved around a few chosen subjects. Her children, Inferni, Lubomir, Haku, Alexey and her nephews were the usual ones, and after that there could be random subjects, but some recurring ones were thoughts about her other family members. Her mother and her sister, and her aunt. Those were the ones she knew and trusted - Haku was strange, and when Alexey seemed to have taken over the two little boys, she could only add that fact to a growing pile of mysterious events around his character. He had, after all, started a war. Colibri was gone, and Colibri the younger - her own niece - was busy as young people were. Melisande had been missing ever since the three children separated and went into the world, and it seemed as if no one had ever heard from her again. The two girls had never gotten along, so it wasn't that important, but it still stung her heart a little to think about her own failure in seeking the female out. They were litter-siblings, after all, and her heart was soft for family relations. Speaking of, her aunt had not been seen by her for months, although she had heard the dark femme was around. This day she was not seeking her out, however, but was taking her usual walk after visiting the children's grave.

........The statue in the middle of the graveyard towered behind her like a projection of purity as her two legs carried her from the scene of death and onto the scene of life. Overgrowth sunrise was never a dull place to be if your eye sought the aesthetic in nature - and in excess of it. Everywhere everything sprung with life, and while it had certainly been a proper feast of life in spring-time, it was still lush and green in every direction, soothing her mind and helping her digest the constant nail in her side. Her guilt towards her children, who lay buried in the graveyard she now left. Although, this day, as her thoughts were attempted forced onto other subjects than the usual, it got a little extra push in the right direction. There, amongst all the plants and green - laid her aunt. Her pace quickened as she approached the dark lady with a smile, calling out her name as she did so.

........"Auntie! What on earth - I was just thinking about you!"

Table by Sace/Hemming. Thanks! Big Grin

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