as she caused a scene [p]

mall-caps;">someday i will wake up and realise i made up everything

The sound of scratching claws made him roll his eyes and look in the direction of the noise. Another being was not something he wanted to find; remaining by himself was preferred, and the fact that whatever had found him was tiny and probably immature did not help matters. He caught his first glimpse of the tiny creature as it pulled itself up over an obstacle, acknowledging his presence soon after. He could see the little critter clearly; its lively, yellowish eyes, bi coloured fur, and small, delicate body with unusually large ears that some might consider cute.

He did not consider them cute. Merit did not like children, despite being well aware of the fact that he was one once; were he to meet himself, or to have his current personality at the time of his puppyhood, he would surely have hated himself, too. They were annoying little creatures with too far much energy. They involved too much care and watching. They were too fragile, too easily broken. They were stupid without any common sense. The latter was made obvious in the way the little gremlin looked at him without any apparent fear or much hesitance aside from an interest as she scanned him.

His lip curled in distaste. What do you want? he grumbled.


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