with everything, i won't let this go
        There were ways to tell whether one would be a shifter or not. Jael was not yet able to tell simply through scent, for he was not worldly and experienced enough for that. Normal wolves and luperci had other differences as well, such as life-span and general health and development. Luperci always fared better than the average wolf for they were naturally more powerful, and they seemed to grow up faster from puppyhood. But obviously the boy hadn't known the girl enough to be able to determine such with her, if she was different than a simple coyote. "Well.. if your mother or father can shift, then you can too," he replied, remembering the virus, the curse, the ability was passed through blood and birth, allowing even a non-luperci to become one if they so chose. But Jael had been born with the ability, and so thus never needed to learn how to acquire it--simply be aware how he was able to pass it. "Do you know if either of them can?" he asked, aware she might not even know, if say, she had never met either parent, or it had been hidden from her. He'd rather get to other ways second if the first failed, for birth was the easiest and simplest way in his eyes to have the curse acquired.

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