Broken home
"Oh" he said simply as she told him about learning to shift. He thought it was cool but he wasn't sure if he wanted to do that. After jasper shifted he was different form a regular wolf. He acted different, and sure he could do cool stuff, but it wasn't the same as being a wolf. He shook his head and thought about the two different homes. "It is different living up in the trees. Your home sounds more cozy. But its cool living up high, and Tuck likes it so I'm fine with it." Domino depended on Tuck more than anyone else. He would fallow tuck to the end of the world and back, nothing could stop him.

"Naw my parents were normal wolves. And Jasper was the first one like that I'd ever saw. My parents kept me inside a lot, I wasn't aloud out." He said explaining why Jasper had been the first. He wondered if he had grown up normally that he would have seen them everywhere. He didn't like not knowing about this whole other species that had before been not existent to him.

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