there's nothing stranger than a stranger.
        Their birth hadn't been planned or even consummated between two creatures that loved and cared about each other. Colibri hadn't wanted them and hadn't chosen or made the decision that would create them on her own. They had been forced upon her and she'd had to bear the hybrid children of a man she would obviously of despised, forced into an act that had been tainted and made dirty by the way it was presented. Each time she'd of looked on her children she would of remembered, unable to forget their origins and having to relive a moment she'd probably have preferred to forget forever.
        Kaena's reaction in some ways mirrored Jael's when he thought of what his "father" had done. She was angry, and perhaps tinged with sadness. But that was to be expected and Jael knew his words would bring hurt when he told her the truth of his origins. No mother wished her son to grow into a man she'd hate and despise for his actions. It had been her place to raise him, and in some ways she may even feel she'd failed, for good upbringing was supposed to mean a good soul. And Vitium in so many ways betrayed and hurt his mother and family with his selfish, foolish actions.
        After he'd finished, Kaena surprised him some, moving closer and allowing an arm to embrace his form. Faint intrigue showed in his features, but it was quickly overshadowed as he moved into her grasp, nuzzling her chin with a dark, wet nose. He could imagine her as his own mother, not Vitium's, and he was almost envious. The she-yote spoke again and he lowered his eyes faintly, knowing her words rang with truth.
        "I know," he said softly, voice fading back into a barely audible level. "I never chose him, but as long as I live only he can be my father. Others can pretend, but it's his blood that runs through my veins and always will, even if it cut my wrists and drained my blood," the boy continued darkly. His heart was naturally good, but the boy had lived an existence less then ordinary, and was accustomed to standards many his age had yet to experience in their short time on earth and had been predominantly sheltered from. Physically, he appeared younger than his nine-months dictated, but his soul was older.
        "Maybe," he replied, vision finally completely lifting. "If the coward ever has the guts to come back here. I'm not wasting my time trailing him across the planet." Just to kill him, he added silently, knowing it would probably pain her to know what Jael would like to do if he ever encountered Vitium again in this lifetime. It wasn't pretty.

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