Can we fix it?


He repeated her words and she was so very delighted to hear that he fully agreed with her. It was fascinating to see the adult working with the house. It seemed she had been lucky with her newest acquaintance so far. He really seemed to know what he was doing. The girl watched from every angle as he walked, dancing around in circles in her playful ways, although keeping some distance so that she would not disturb the man. Baby Duck followed her movements, although it happened that it ran a few rounds around the man as well. The girl was happy that the duckling had no troubles with wolves in general, but sometimes she had this fear that a wolf could see it as a meal before she could get the time to explain that it was her baby. Perhaps she should put some collar or something similar on it. A PINK COLLAR. Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Her tail waved back and forth happily when the man finally turned to look at her. The result was dazzling, and she was so amazed at how fast he had done it. He spoke and finally suggested something that she too could help with. ”Yes!” she added quickly, the sun playing in her face. How could it be possible to be so nice. The girl did not know how she could express her feelings sufficiently. She just knew that she wanted him to know how grateful she was. The girl jumped forwards at him, cuddling against him as close to his chest as she could get. She shook her face lightly as she poked her silky muzzle against his light fur. She loved kind people like Lysander the duck house fixer. ”I can do that!” her voice suddenly announced, and she darted away as quickly as she had darted at him.

She wanted some of that long yellowish grass that she had seen in the nest thingy where she had found the egg in the first place. It was not too far away. As usual, she was full of unused energy, and it took her no time to reach the area close to the pond. The girl tilted her head sideways and closed her jaws around the tall grass. It was hard to just rip up, so the roots decided to come along when she yanked hard enough. The girl wagged her tail and went on, seemingly oblivious of this. At one point the girl hesitated. Perhaps she could take the blanket that Dawali had come with quite a few months earlier. Yes, yes, yes, yes! She turned around and padded back, wondering where she had seen it last. She did not believe any of her siblings were using it at the moment, so it would not be missed.

She held on to the load of grass clutched in-between her jaws anyway, determined to have it on the bottom under the blanket (if she could find it). Yes, yes. It was not really before now that the girl noticed that Baby Duck had not followed her. Did that mean that it liked Lysander the Duck builder man thingy? She hoped he liked Baby Duck too. At least he already knew that he couldn’t eat the duckling.


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