Like a piece of the puzzle that falls into place


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The sharp yelp of pain was more than enough to trigger a reflex reaction in Matrix. Immediately and almost mechanically, she forgot what she was doing and made her way back to the living room. Once she got there, it was easy enough to infer what happened--Empusa was looking at her foot, and she was no longer on the couch. Bending down to a squat, she tried to inspect it for damage. Unfortunately, Matrix was no medic, and she hardly knew what to look for. It wasn't bent at a funny angle and no bones were protruding from the joints, so that was a good sign.
"Ack, you alright?" she asked, somewhat concerned, although mostly sure that everything was okay. There was no "you shouldn't do that" or "be careful;" Empusa really wasn't that much younger than her, and could figure it out for herself. Pain was one of those things you learned from very quickly. "It doesn't look broken or anything. Is it sprained?" Straightening, the older girl glanced toward the door--she almost wished that somebody who knew about injuries would waltz through right then, but alas... the house was mostly silent.

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