let me live

... XP

The underbelly of the creature was soft, unlike anything that she had ever felt before. Its spikes tickled her fingers as she cradled the creature, but she found that if she held him too tightly the spikes did indeed send a small pain up her fingers. But he sat still, only to look towards the little pup that spoke, her higher voice touching his small ears. Black eyes looked at the pup, and Mati wondered what it was thinking.

They looked, Mati standing higher then the pup and scanning the ground for something she wasn’t sure they would find. Nothing moved through the grasses, and she could see no divots in the ground. The young woman followed the pup instead, spikehog in paw and looking at him every now and again as if he would give them any clues. The pup loped along with excitement and a concentration that Mati didn’t think that she had at Cambria’s age. You see anything Cambria? soft voice asked, pretty sure that she hadn’t. Though her attitude was turning warmer and sunnier she was still quick to quit the hunt.

Looking at the pup’s face Mati had to shrug, I don’t know if we are going to find her. The Church girl commented. Crouching towards the grass she stopped when one knee hit the ground. Lowering her hand she rested against the soft green blades and waited for the creature to make its decision. It could go, if it wanted to, to find its own way or return to its den. Purple eyes looked at it, and wondered what it would choose.


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