let me live


It was crazy, she had never seen a creature be so calm about being picked up something so much bigger than it! Especially a wolf. Maybe the little hedgepiggy could sense that they only wanted to help him and find his momma for him. Life would be so much easier if you could just sense those things from people. If you could immediately know if they were going to be nice or mean. Cambria sure wished that she had that kind of power. The world would seem a little less dark and scary then. She thought she saw the little guy looking down at her and she smiled at him. "Hi's." He was too cute!

Her eyes looked and her nose sniffed, trying to find anything different or out of place. She really wanted to find the little hedgehog's momma! He had to miss her. No one could not miss their mother if they got separated from them. Cambria was convinced of that fact. There wasn't a doubt in her little head. Though when Mati asked her if she saw anything she looked back, a small frown on her face. "No's I dun sees anyting. Dun smells anyting eifers." But...his mother had to be around her somewhere didn't she? She wouldn't just leave her pup behind. Though if Mati couldn't see anything either she doubted that she would see anything the older girl didn't. Her bottom lip stuck out as the shifted wolf said they weren't going to find her. Ears laid back against her head. "But whas will happens to him wifout her?" Cambria couldn't imagine what she would do without her mommy.

As Mati knelt in the grass to allow the hedgehog to crawl out of her hand the pup whined. "Bu...we can's jus weave him! He's jus a babee!" No, no they couldn't do that. He needed someone to look after him and take care of him!


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