Christmas in July 2009
__Character Name: Cambria Marino
__Character Gender: Female
__Character Age: 3 months
__Example Pictures: See avatar/color reference in profile
__Character Description: She has a chocolate brown coat and the tips of her ears are beginning to turn a cream color. She has a black beauty mark near the corner of her right eye (Silk Spectre (from Watchmen) style). Her eyes are a seafoam green.
__Jewelry or Tattoos: none
__Text: none
__Picture you would like used: whatever works!

__Table Size Preference: preferably between 350px-440px
__Color Scheme: none
__Mood: curious, shy, unsure of the world
__Lyrics: Any lyrics from A Fine Frenzy, She & Him, Regina Spektor, or Hey There Delilah by Plain White Ts (no lyrics is fine too!)
__Picture you would like used: whatever works!
__Other: I prefer non-scrolly tables, but if that's what works best, then I don't mind Smile

__Text or Image?: either or both
__Lyrics/Words: same as above
__Picture you would like used: none

__Best Way to Contact you: PM my Savina Marino Account

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