Two seas in a cod

Science was a concept that Skoll had little understanding of. While the big werewolf wasn't dumb or of sub-par intelligence, neither was he of unusual acuity or curiosity. His only indication that most myths were not true came from his vast knowledge of just how many there were, and how not all of them could possibly be accurate. In a human society, he might have become a police officer or a fireman, a construction worker or perhaps have joined the army. Old human beliefs held no more weight than any of the wolfish ones he'd learned. What more could be expected of someone with his upbringing? Humans had destroyed themselves, after all, so despite their marvels, he didn't regard them as particularly wise.

"Well, that's odd," he was surprised by Laruku's fore-knowledge of him. He knew that his name had been spread around a bit after his fight with the Lykois, but certainly not in any favorable light. What reason would Phoenix have had for bringing him up? "Well, not so bad if people would keep their children in tow. Still, they've orchestrated an invasion once, with absolutely no repercussions that I've heard tell of, so a load of trouble is an apt surmisal." He didn't know if this wolf had any connection to the little white-furred girl he'd fought to protect, nor if he even knew of her. He didn't even know if Clouded Tears had been made aware of the incident by the little girl.

"Well, Laruku, if he told you about that, it'd be best for me to tell you that I'm not much in that business any more. I can't help but try to stop something evil from happening right in front of me, but I don't see a reason to go out of my way for the people of Bleeding Souls any longer. Despite the children they've murdered and the land they've stolen, there are still people here perfectly happy to live beside Inferni, even defending their actions. I would help if I had the power...but you can't save people from themselves." There was bitterness in his voice. He didn't know why he felt the need to say this to the wolf.

"Tell me, Phoenix must have had a reason to tell you about me. Who are you? A relative of Iskata's?" It was the best guess he could muster. Iskata had told Skoll that he'd saved her daughter, so it followed that the family might hear about him through Iskata or her mate.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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