The sea giveth and taketh
        It was the stench that alerted Jael to the corpse of the bizarre sea beast. The screaming of countless seagulls followed, and he trailed the signs, finally finding the giant monster that lay dead on the sand. He'd never seen anything like it before in his life, but he knew it had come from the sea. Decayed fins and a form meant for gliding through the dark depths of the ocean told the wolf all he needed to know. He wrinkled his muzzle in disgust, pausing to take in the strange sight before him. But there was something else about the carcass that attracted his notice and the boy watched the small girl climbing the side of the monster, picking and digging at it's rotted side as though she were looking for something special. Cocking his head, he loped a few paces closer, aiming to make sure he really saw what he thought he did. Yes. A small child was scaling the whale and invading it's blubbery corpse for.. what, he didn't know. Bones? Meat?
        Not particularly wishing to touch the corpse himself, Jael moved along it's edge, gazing at the strange thing. Books and stories told of great sea-monsters the size of buildings, but he'd never expected to encounter one in his lifetime. Having circled halfway around the thing from head to tail, he turned back, finally gazing upward at the child. "What're you doing?" he asked, loud enough for his voice to carry to here in her work. The seagulls screamed and swooped, guarding their prize against the canines and Jael snapped his fangs at one that drifted too close, aiming to take a few feathers off, but he missed. Glaring at he, he turned back to the miniature coyote, watching her dig her way into the side of the dead whale.

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