don't close your eyes

          A child’s world was an odd and special place. Emotion and elements were constantly changing in either this or that form. Hurt came easily. Tears came easily. Despite this, children also had the unique ability to alter deep hurt into something much more bearable. Like friendships. Conor was now and would probably for a long time not be aware of exactly how deeply he had hurt the girl. He did not know anything about the ivory Catalyst’s mother, but he was actually certain that her mother had to love her in some way, despite the fact that she had left Catalyst and her siblings and disappeared. It was kind of like Conor’s mommy, but perhaps both of the puppies here were loved nevertheless. It was not a visible thing, because it existed inside the bodies. They could only ponder and believe in what they wanted to believe in. Or what they had to believe in so that they could survive.

          He dared a quick glance up at her, and saw a light hint of pink underneath the fur on her cheeks. His own blush grew more intense in colour at this fact. It was almost as if he had eaten a lot of butterflies and they lived inside his belly and tickled him with his wings. He had done that once, but the butterfly did not fly around in his body then. It was odd, but not at all unpleasant to feel like this. He felt gratitude. A word he could not recognize drifted into the air, and his ears flickered slightly, trying to force an understanding out of it, believing he could if he tried really hard. What was it that she had said? Another language thing called German? He felt mean for not remembering because he had tried really hard back then to not listen to anything the girl had said because he had only wanted to think that she was stupid and not worth listening to. He had been so silly.

          He wanted to say something, but did not know what to reply to that word he did not know. In truth, it was a good thing that he did not understand the word, because it would have caused him some issues with handling it. He could take insults better than ordinary children at the same age by now, but he was not good with flattering compliments from cute and pretty girls just yet. By the gentle tones and the cute giggles he guessed it could not be too bad. He too wanted to speak German now. Oh, oooh. ”Catalyst, does you want to be I'ses friends?” Emwe did not count because all brothers were nice with eachother (Conor-theory) so the boy did not truly have anyone he could call friends. Friends were nice to eachother and they liked eachother, and he wanted to like her and be nice to her from now on.

          It kind of felt like as if his face was on fire. Maybe there was a miniature sun inside his head that tried to shine, but was trapped inside there so that it overheated his face (Conor-theory once again). He hoped she did not see how embarrassed he was. Why was suddenly everything so embarrassing now when his body had begun tingling so comfortably?


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