Erase Myself
mall-caps;color:#660000;">He pulled out the dagger and marveled in the pain he could create.

He leaned back lazily against the base of the altar, watching the creature who'd just stepped across the threshold of the church. Half-smile curved faintly across his lips, leaving the edge of one white fang protruding past blackened lips. "Perhaps," he replied, faintest motion of his head causing eyes to reflect what little light there was in the dark building. "If this sinner thought himself in need of salvation." He laughed faintly; a dull, hollow sound in the empty quiet of the church. No, to repent was for those in fear of death and punishment; for eternal retribution for one's sins. But a devil needed not repent when he was spawned of darkness and hellfire, sent only to wreak havoc on the living.

He could smell the adreneline flowing through her veins, keeping her standing and on edge. Had his prescence caused this emotion? He reveled in the stench of fear, breathing in the cold air between his teeth to taste the raw pungent odor that possessed the room between them. "A shame He's not listening," said the creature, leaning forward toward the other in the shadows. "But I am. What sin could you possibly have committed that needs to be forgiven, little angel?" Samael inquired, raising his glass to sip lightly at the crimson liquid within.

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