the call of constellations
I am now! And school for that matter. For the summer anyway!

Midnight relaxed at his words and offered a small smile as he kept speaking. If he could speak enough for the both of them, or ask her questions which just required a simple yes or no, they could go on quite nicely for the rest of the night. Her eyes lingered on him for a moment as he mentioned it was a beautiful night and she nodded with a small smile. Red eyes glanced up at the sky for a few minutes as the minutes passed and then he spoke again and she glanced back down at him and nodded to his request. The girl rose to her feet and padded silently over beside him, settling herself down into the grass.

She felt at ease laying here, curled up in the grass and staring up at the massive distance of stars before them. It was a beautiful sight really and she could not help but wonder what exactly was out there. Her large ears pointed out towards the stars trying to listen for anything that might give her a clue as to what was out there. A small audible sigh escaped her lips, but she quickly turned her head and smiling at the man that invited her to lay beside him. Her tail flicked back and forth in an effort to say thank you, which was also evident in her pleased facial expression.

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